Energiat: Modern circus at Kuusinki river

The Lumo Company, a contemporary circus association, presents an immersive contemporary circus installation titled "Energies" at the closed Kuusinki Myllykoski hydroelectric power plant.

Tickets: €10/adult, free for children under school age.
Bus transportation: tickets at €10/person for a round trip from Kuusamo/Ruka, link to ticket sales below!
30.9.2023 - 30.9.2023 18:00 - 18:45
Myllykoski Power Plant, Kuusinki river

Vuotungintie 346
93940 Kuusamo

Arts & Culture Music Kids & Youth Biggest events
Energiat - nykysirkusta Kuusingin voimalaitoksella, kuva Janne-Pekka Manninen

"Energies" is a multidisciplinary project designed and executed by the Finnish contemporary circus association, Lumo Company. It takes place at the Kuusinki Myllykoski hydroelectric power plant in Kuusamo, in collaboration with the "Kuusinkijoki kuntoon" association. The artistic inspiration for the performance is drawn from the surrounding natural elements of the hydroelectric power plant, particularly the rivers, water, forest, and the architectural structure of the power plant itself. Circus artists breathe life into the environment through various acts, including tightrope dancing, highlighting the importance of biodiversity through art.

The "Energies" series integrates spatial and environmental art with circus techniques. The performance combines sound, light, and physical expression. The sound design of the performance incorporates the ambient sounds of the hydroelectric power plant's surroundings. The performance music and the installation's sound landscape are born from nature's sounds, such as the murmurs of water and the industrial structures and machinery of the power plant.

The "Energies" installation marks a new era for the hydroelectric power plant, acting as a window of insight for both locals and visitors, while also advancing cultural activities. "Energies" is a contemporary circus installation that allows the audience to observe the performance from a distance or move alongside the performers, experiencing the journey of the installation.

Bus transportation to the performance

A bus service is available to the performance from Kuusamo and Ruka.
Price: €10 for a round trip, free for children under school age.

Kuusamo-Kuusinki-Kuusamo: Departure at 17:00 from Kuusamo (Kelantie) - Myllykoski power plant - Kuusamo
Ruka-Kuusinki-Ruka: 17:00 Ruka (Kauppakeskus Kumpare) - Myllykoski power plant - Ruka

Return rides will go back along the same route after the performance has ended.
You can purchase a bus ticket in advance online or on the event day from the bus, if there is space available. A confirmation sent from the online store serves as a bus ticket.

Buy your bus ticket

Energiat - nykysirkusta Kuusingin voimalaitoksella, kuva Anniina Peltovako

Concept: Lumo Company, lumocompany@gmail.com, www.lumocompany.com
Circus Artists: Anniina Peltovako, Sini Napari, Hanna Moisala
Sound Artist: Miro Mantere
Light Artist: Jere Mönkkönen
Art Journalist: Jukka Takalo
Production: Lumo Company
Collaboration Partner: Kuusinkijoki kuntoon Ry / Matti Aikio
Collaboration Support: Vuotungin maamiesseura/ Reijo Palosaari
Supporters: Arts Promotion Centre, Ruka-Kuusamo Tourism Association

Bus transportation is organized for the event due to limited parking space. Public transportation is also a more environmentally friendly choice!