Nainen ja koira tauolla nuotiolla. Kuva Harri Tarvainen

Jobs at Ruka-Kuusamo



There's always work to be done!

Working in Lapland is a great way to experience the unique lifestyle of the North - where sun never sets and winters are suprisingly lightful! 

Find out more and apply early!

Job applications should be sent well in advance, although the need for labor is naturally greatest during the busiest winter seasons (Christmas-New Year's and ski holidays-Easter) and July.

We have put together a comprehensive information package for you regarding job hunting, living and studying in Kuusamo. Also check out our blog's stories about life and people in Ruka-Kuusamo.

Hissihenkilöstöä työssään Rukalla
Maan pinnalla - living and working in Kuusamo

Maan pinnalla ("On the surface of the earth" is a collection of stories told by locals about what it's like to live and work here. You can also find all open jobs in the area and get started on realizing your own dream. The site is in Finnish only.

Etätöissä Ruka-Kuusamossa. Kuva Maija Koskinen, Naturpolis

Companies in tourism field in Lapland are constantly hiring new staff

Besides checking the open positions, you can send your CV to the company that interests you. Take a look at the service providers in Ruka-Kuusamo area on page Services & contacts

Ruka Ski Resort

Slope operations, accommodation services, sales, marketing and Ruka ski school. Link contains information in Finnish only.

Jobs at Ruka Ski Resort

Riipinen Restaurants

Restaurant jobs in Ruka village all year round. Link contains information in Finnish only.

Jobs in Riipinen Restaurant


Restaurant, accommodation, guidance, sales and marketing. The link leads to Finnish website.

Jobs in Rukapalvelu


Jobs in restaurant/cafe and activities such as huskies and reindeer nearby Ruka during the winter season. The link leads to Finnish website.

Jobs in Lammintupa


Temporary work, fixed-term employment and permanent jobs. Use the search word Ruka or Kuusamo! Link contains information in Finnish only.

Barona jobs


Vacancies in Kuusamo. Select Kuusamo as the location. Link contains information in Finnish only.

Duunitori jobs

Job Market Finland

Open job positions in Kuusamo. The location has been preselected as Kuusamo.

Job Market Finland

The city of Kuusamo and Naturpolis provide jobs

Take a look at the job offers of the city of Kuusamo or submit an open application to the substitutes. Employment Service Point Kieppi helps you in all matters regarding job hunt!

Naturpolis, a business development company owned by the city of Kuusamo and the municipality of Taivalkoski, also offers interesting tasks in regional and industry-specific projects. The linked websites are available only in Finnish.

Nainen ja koira Kirkkosaaressa, Kuusamo. Kuva Maija Koskinen

Staff housing and benefits

We recommend finding out the accommodation possibilities in advance, as there is a shortage of apartments, especially in Ruka area. Some employers offer shared accommodation. Kuusamon Vuokratalot (Kuusamo Rental Homes) and real estate agents in the area rent apartments for short and long term. You can also use the Facebook group Ruka-Kuusamon vuokra-asunnot ("Ruka-Kuusamo rental apartments"). SkiBus operates in Ruka during the winter season, so one option is to try to find accommodation along the SkiBus route.

Some employments include, for example, a season ticket for Ruka's slopes. Certain staff discounts are available for employees in Ruka area.

Uimassa Oulankajoella, kuva Jani Kärppä

Train for a profession in Kuusamo

At the Kainuu vocational college (KAO) Kuusamo branch, you can study, for example, a degree in tourism and catering or short courses. Northeast Finland's Adult Education (KSAK) wilderness and nature guide training package provides good training for working as a guide. At Kuusamo-opisto, you can deepen your skills with the help of folk college, civic college or summer university.

Services of the city of Kuusamo

The city of Kuusamo offers its citizens plenty of services related to everyday life. In the center of Kuusamo, there is a versatile sports centre with swimming hall and ice rinks. The services of the library and Kuusamotalo's abundant cultural offerings are delightful, and the health centre takes care of the wellbeing of the citizens.

Day care in Kuusamo

Kuusamo city daycare centres are open Mon-Fri at 6.30-17.30, including Ruka's daycare centre. Maaseläntie Vuorokoti in the centre of Kuusamo offers round-the-clock care.

The linked websites are available only in Finnish.

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