Opening hours in Ruka-Kuusamo

This page shows opening hours for the six following days. More details at the bottom of the page. Slopes of Ruka Ski Resort are open 4.10.2024-4.5.2025. The first ski trail was opened in Ruka on 11.10.2024, and more ski trails will be opened depending on the snow situation. The snowmobile routes are opened depending on the snow situation.

Rukan rinteet -ikoni
Slopes & Lifts
Ruka-Kuusamo icon ladut
Cross country ski trails
Ruka-Kuusamo icon moottorikelkkailu
Snowmobile routes

These opening hours are based on the details each company has updated in Google My Business. If there are mistakes or shortages in the opening hours, we recommend you to give feedback to each company directly (see contact details by clicking the company website link below company name).