Snowboarding in Ruka anniversary edition

Create your own Ruka Login account

Make the most out of Ruka! Register your own Ruka Login account.


Becoming Ruka's loyalty member is easy and free! As a loyalty member, you get access to a Ruka Login account where you can find:

  • monthly loyalty benefits
  • your future and past Ski-Inn accommodation reservations
  • your lift ticket and equipment rental purchases from webshop 
  • you can check from your ski pass how many ski days and lift rides you have had in Ruka during the season

In addition, you will receive a monthly loyalty letter, where you will find a summary of the current loyalty benefits. Loyalty members also get access to first-hand information about the latest updates and get a possibility to influence the area's development!

February loyalty benefits:
  • 30% off: one pair of winter footwear your choice at RukaStore and Ruka Brand Village
March loyalty benefits
  • Ruka Fun Pass raffle: The prize for the RUKA Fun Pass raffle includes two (2) one-day RUKA Fun Passes for the Ruka Summer Center, awarded to two winners.
  • RukaStore: One Ruka product of your choice -40% RukaBrandVillage: One Peak Performance product -40%
  • Piste Ski Service: Full service -15%

Fill out the form below and become a loyalty member!

If you already have a Ruka Login account, login here. Loyalty program's terms and conditions as well as answers to frequently asked questions can be found here.