Rukan rinteet ja kylä talvella. Ilmakuva Harri Tarvainen.

Sports centres

Kuusamo has many sports centres, both indoors and in the middle of nature

Ruka Ski Resort offers 41 slopes and 22 lifts as well as over 200 days of snow. There are over 400 km of well-maintaned cross country ski trails in Kuusamo area. 

Head towards a gym, an outdoor CrossFit training session, a sports field or an ice rink. We have well maintained sports facilities for all the most common sports.

Ice skating rinks and tracks

In Ruka, you can ice skate at the ice rink of Ruka school (Rukankouluntie 30). Ice skating at the ice rink of Ruka school is possible on weekday evenings from 15:00 onwards and weekends (when school is out). 

Several skating rinks have been prepared at Kaltiolampi in Ruka village and at the Ruka Ski Stadium for the Ruka Ice Hockey Tournament taking place on January 16–18, 2025. Public use of these rinks is not permitted before the tournament. After the event, starting January 19, 2025, the rinks will be open for skating, but they will not be maintained or cleared of snow.

In Kuusamo, the Sports Centre ice rink, the Nilo ice rink, Tolpanniemi skating area and the Toranki school skating area are in use, on weekdays from 15:00 forwards and weekends. Also the Käylä ice rink is in use (light switch in the light pole on the left).

Ice skating rinks are presented on website (in Finnish only). See link below for location of ice skating rinks on map as well as information about maintenance.

Snow sledding, snow racers and snow tubing

There are plenty of snow sledding slopes in Ruka area and at Kuusamo city centre and you can use them free of charge! Snow racing on certain ski slopes at evenings is available from December until April. Rosa&Rudolf Family Park has a super fun Snow Tubing slope. Snow racing and snow tubing require special ski passes.

Things to do indoors for kids

We have several activity parks and spaces as well as lots of other activities indoors.

Sports centres in the town of Kuusamo

Kuusamo centre has plenty of different sports facilities, both indoors and outdoors. There is a swimming pool, gym, facilities for indoor ball games, indoor ice skating rink and several outdoor sports fields.

Kuusamon keskusta ja urheilukenttä kesällä, kuva Janne Leimola
Ruka’s outdoor gym and exercise stairs

In the vicinity of Talvijärvi, you can find an outdoor gym for independent crossfit training. The outdoor gym is located along the FIS5 cross country ski trail, below Ski-Inn Aurinkorinne in the vicinity of the Rukatonttu parking area.

Sets of stairs suitable for exercise can be found in Ruka Ski Stadium next to the small and large ski jumping hills. You can sprint up and down the stairs regardless of the weather in the building with the escalator leading from the Ski Stadium to Ruka village.

Käylä 80-step fitness stairs are combined to the Käylä jogging track. Occasional winter maintenance on the stairs, a snow brush can be found at the bottom of the stairs.


Sports centres and services related to sports:

Adventure Apes

Angry Birds Activity Park on lapsiperheiden suosikkikohde Kuusamon Tropiikissa

Angry Birds Activity Park

Place to visit

Basecamp Oulanka

Holiday Club Kuusamon Tropiikin kylpylä

Holiday Club Kuusamon Tropiikki Spa and treatments

Liikuntakeskus: liikuntahalli, uimahalli ja jäähalli

Kuusamo Sports Center

ruka valley

Rosa & Rudolf Family Park


Rosa&Rudolf Kids'Club

Rukan keilahalli

Ruka Bowling Alley

Rukan frisbeegolf

Ruka Disc Golf

Ruka Gym

Ruka Gym

Rukan kansainvälinen hiihtostadion

Ruka International Ski Stadium

Ruka Park 30 years

Ruka Park

Rattikelkkailua Rukalla

Snow Racing on Ski Slopes

Sports events:

Ice Climbing at Ruka

1.1.2025 - 18.4.2025

QKLS Games - Snowboarding Finnish Championships

3.4.2025 - 6.4.2025
Pilkkiminen on hauskaa puuhaa!

Kuusamo Ice Fishing Contest 2025

12.4.2025 - 17.4.2025
Nuts Karhunkierros, kuva Veera Vihervaara

NUTS Karhunkierros Trail Ultra 2025

23.5.2025 - 25.5.2025
Downhill Swim 2023 kuva Simo Vilhunen

Downhill Swim 24 km at Oulanka National Park 2025

19.7.2025 - 19.7.2025
Kitka logo

Kitka - Ruka Mountain Bike Weekend 2025

23.7.2025 - 26.7.2025
Rukan Pipolätkä, kuva Salla Karhumaa

Ruka Ice Hockey Tournament 2026

15.1.2026 - 17.1.2026

Frequently Asked Questions:

Where can I play billiards in Ruka?
You can find a billiard table in Ruka village at least in Colorado Bar & Grill (on the bar side), Scandic Rukahovi, and Ruka Bowling Alley.

Where can I watch hockey and football on a big screen?
You can watch sports on a big screen in Ruka village at the lobby bar of Scandic Rukahovi and Colorado Bar & Grill (on the bar side), as well as at O'Learys restaurant located near Kuusamo city centre in Holiday Club Kuusamon Tropiikki.