3. Play disc golf on the slopes of Ruka
Disc golf can be enjoyed both on the slopes of Ruka and in the center of Kuusamo. Anyone can throw a frisbee, especially since the style is naturally free. Playing is free with your own discs, or discs can be rented. If traditional golf clubs appeal to you more than a flying frisbee, you can also play minigolf in the Ruka village.
Locations of disc golf courses in Ruka-Kuusamo
4. Zoom down on a summer sled
The winding summer sled track on the front slopes of Ruka is a perennial favorite among families and a perfect way to add a touch of excitement to your vacation. On this track, everyone can decide their own speed as they slide down the fun track back to the village. You can reach the sled track by riding the front chairlift, and at the same time, you can marvel at some of Finland's most beautiful scenery. Instead of sledding down, you can choose to ride the same chairlift back down.
Check out the opening hours of the summer sled track
4. Viiletä kesäkelkalla alas
Mutkitteleva kesäkelkkarata Rukan eturinteillä on perheiden ikisuosikki ja täydellinen tapa lisätä ripaus jännitystä lomaohjelmaan. Tällä radalla jokainen voi itse päättää vauhdin lasketellessaan hauskaa rataa alas takaisin kylään. Kelkkaradalle pääsee nousemaan etupuolen tuolihissillä, ja samassa pääsee huokaisemaan ihastuksesta Suomen kauneimpia maisemia katsellen. Kelkkalaskun sijaan voi halutessaan valita alastuloksi samaisen tuolihissin.
Katso kesäkelkkaradan aukioloajat
5. Spot the local reindeer
Ruka-Kuusamo is known for its famous residents: reindeer! These fellows can be found roaming in the woods, by the roadsides, and occasionally even on your neighbor's terrace. So, keep your eyes open - nature is very active in the summer, and you can spot these animal friends almost anywhere.
Reindeer-themed activities
6. Fish in the clear lake waters
Feeling a tug? You certainly will when you go fishing in the fish-filled waters of Kuusamo. For a family outing, head to Piste Rental for a fishing permit and rental rod, and try fishing in the middle of Ruka village at Kaltiolampi. If you're in the mood for some shopping, visit the famous Kuusamon Uistin store, and while you're there, take a spin by the fish-rich Helilampi pier.
Fishing trips and permits
7. Experience culture and travel back in time
For those who love history and culture, we recommend visiting the Tourism and Culture Center Karhuntassu and the Kuusamo Local Heritage Museum. At Karhuntassu, you can immerse yourself in the region's past and learn more about local culture, nature, and wildlife from ancient times to the present day. When visiting the Local Heritage Museum, you'll enter a 1930s Kuusamo courtyard.
Art and culture in Kuusamo - where and when?