The pearls of Oulanka -art exhibition

Lahja and Seppo Kumpula’s joint art exhibition at the Oulanka Visitor Centre
2.7.2024 - 31.8.2024
Oulanka Visitor Centre

Liikasenvaarantie 132
93900 Kuusamo

Arts & Culture National Parks Free of charge
Kuvassa maalattu taideteos, jossa on eri värejä ja pintastruktuuria.

The playful combination of different techniques and surfaces give Lahja Kumpula’s abstract paintings several different ways for the spectator to seek, as well as find meaning. The creation process has been inspired by the fact that the final creations will be eventually positioned to the summer exhibition in the heart of Oulanka.

While creating the art the artist has been able to experience the rapid’s foam, the silence of the lakes and swamps in the wilderness - in the endless movement of water and light.

Seppo Kumpula has grown up around the landscapes of Oulanka. His wooden art sceneries embody the lining landscapes of the Northeast in a minimalistic manner. The wood’s natural beauty and texture work as the foundation of the pieces. The artist’s goal was to capture the peace of the moment, as well as the majesty of nature on the surface of the wood.

A warm welcome to our exhibition! 
We wish you to come experience and share love to our beautiful and clean Northern nature.
Lahja and Seppo Kumpula


Exhibition is located in the Restaurant Talonpöytä Oulanka as well as the auditorium. Check the opening hours on the website of Oulanka Visitor Centre. Free entry. All the pieces of the exhibition are for sale.