In addition to these terms, the terms of use of the Ruka Ski Resort's web services and possible other terms related to the use of Ruka Ski Resort's services, such as Ski-Inn's accommodation booking terms, apply between the customer and Rukakeskus. If there are inconsistencies between these terms and other terms, these terms and conditions will apply primarily to loyalty members. Using services or applications related to loyalty program or certain parts of them may require the member to accept and comply with special terms and conditions.

Terms of Ruka's Loyalty Program
Who is eligble to join?
You can become Ruka Ski Resort's loyalty customer if you are at least 18 years old and have an email address. Loyalty membership is intended for the consumer use of private individuals, and the membership is personal. Ruka Ski Resort reserves the right to reject membership applications. You can join the loyalty program on Ruka Ski Resort's website at ruka.fi/register.
All information provided during the registration process must be accurate and up to date. If your details change later, you can update them logging in to your account.
Is membership free?
Loyalty membership is free, and the benefits can be used immediately. There may be paid services included in the loyalty membership. Loyalty membership is valid indefinitely.
What benefits does membership provide?
As a Ruka Ski Resort's loyalty member, you will receive periodic loyalty member offers that can be used in our (online) store.
How do we communicate about the loyalty program?
The loyalty program is cardless, and communication related to loyalty membership primarily occurs online (via email and sms), through which information about changing loyalty customer offers is provided. Loyalty membership communication is an integral part of Ruka Ski Resort's loyalty program, and one cannot opt out of it without simultaneously resigning from the loyalty program membership.
What are the responsibilities of a loyalty member?
As a member, you commit to using your loyalty membership personally in your own name and utilizing any one-time membership benefits only once.
If you suspect that your loyalty membership is being used improperly, please notify Ruka Ski Resort immediately. Ruka Ski Resort is not responsible for actions by third parties related to the misuse of the loyalty membership.
How can the membership be terminated?
You can terminate your Ruka Ski Resort loyalty customer agreement by unsubscribing from the 'Ruka's loyalty program' mailing list. Open the "Manage preferences" link at the bottom of the most recent email you received, which allows you to manage newsletter subscriptions. Alternatively, you can send a termination notice by email to myynti@ruka.fi.
Ruka Ski Resort reserves the right to terminate your membership if you violate these terms or if Ruka Ski Resort has other justified reasons for termination. Ruka Ski Resort will send a notice of termination to the email address associated with the loyalty program.
Despite the termination of loyalty membership, Ruka Ski Resort may, and may be obliged to, continue processing your personal data for other Ruka Ski Resort activities, for example, to fulfill legal retention obligations as per the Accounting Act. Any direct marketing consents you have provided to Ruka Ski Resort will also remain valid unless you explicitly cancel them.
What changes can be made to the loyalty program?
Ruka Ski Resort's loyalty program is developed with consideration for feedback and requests from loyalty customers, as well as the needs of Ruka Ski Resort's business. Ruka Ski Resort has the right to make changes to the loyalty program, including its content, functionalities, benefits offered to members, and these terms and conditions.
Ruka Ski Resort reserves the right to modify the content and terms of the loyalty membership. Notice of significant changes will be provided at least one (1) month before the changes take effect. The notice is considered properly given when it is sent to the email address provided by the customer or when it is accessible on Ruka Ski Resort's website (https://www.ruka.fi/en/skiresort). The customer is considered to have received notice of the change via email no later than the day following the sending of the notice to the email address most recently provided by the customer and in the case of notices on the website, no later than seven days after the notice is published.
Ruka Ski Resort also reserves the right to discontinue the loyalty program at its discretion at any time.
Who is the administrator in the Ruka's loyalty program?
The administrator is Ruka Ski Resort Ltd, business ID (Y-tunnus): 3145834-8, Rukatunturintie 9, 93830 Rukatunturi.
What law applies to Ruka Ski Resort's loyalty program?
The loyalty program has been established in accordance with Finnish legislation, and it is subject to Finnish law.
Ruka Ski Resort processes the loyalty customer's personal data in accordance with the currently applicable data protection legislation, as permitted and required by law. Information about the processing of personal data and the rights of the loyalty customer can be found in the privacy policy.
The registration benefit didn't arrive in the email?
When using a Gmail email address, the email containing the registration benefit may appear in the 'Promotions' tab instead of the primary inbox. If you cannot find the registration benefit in your email, please fill out the form below.